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Regional Mission Partners

Abundant Life Ministries 

Abundant Life has demonstrated God’s love through holistic community development in the Prospect neighborhood for 25 years. ALM partners with churches and community members to bring spiritual support, academic tutoring, and encouragement to children ages K-teen. Economic support for adults is also a focus. 

FPC Contact: Hannah Walker

Alliance for Interfaith Ministries

AIM supports self-sufficient and stable families by providing one-time financial assistance to prevent eviction and utility disconnection. AIM’s programs target ending senior homelessness and helping domestic violence victims move away from abusers. Assistance may include furniture and household items as well as access to dentures, eye exams, medications, and job-related expenses. Volunteer assistance is needed for delivery of food and paper goods on the first weekend of each month and perishable food delivery on every Tuesday of the month.

FPC Contact: Rich Lutz

Georgia's Friends

Georgia’s Friends offers residential support for women making a fresh start after suffering consequences related to drug and alcohol addiction and co-occurring mental health challenges. A volunteer angel program allows various options for involvement, including financial support, helping newcomers shop for basic needs, and serving on call for transportation to work or appointments.

FPC Contact: Shana Pack

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville

Habitat for Humanity assists low-income neighbors to realize their dream of home ownership. Volunteers receive on-site training in basic home construction skills. Non-construction volunteer options include working at the retail Habitat Store, special fund-raising projects, and speaking up as an affordable housing advocate.

FPC contact: Chris Bailey

The Haven

The Haven provides showers, breakfast, and laundry facilities for the homeless and very poor in Charlottesville. The Haven also supports individuals and families as they explore exits from the cycle of homelessness through connection with resources and creative housing interventions. 

FPC contact: Marta Ruggles

Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry

Loaves & Fishes is a food pantry with a mission of giving food with kindness and compassion to anyone who seeks assistance while providing an opportunity for volunteers to help their neighbors. 

FPC contact: Alice Brown

PACEM (People and Congregations Engaged in Ministries)

PACEM provides emergency shelter and meals for men and women during the coldest months. First Pres offers shelter in the church every night for two weeks during the winter. Volunteers are invited to bring baked goods and to interact with guests.

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Palmetto International Missions promotes the health and well being of impoverished, rural communities in Honduras by providing an opportunity to build permanent housing. Through their work, they facilitate remote housing and community infrastructure projects by offering resources and knowledge, and strive to improve economic opportunities by teaching construction trade skills.

FPC contact: Brew Brewbaker

Suggest a Mission

The First Pres Christian Outreach Committee encourages the congregation to recognize and suggest new mission opportunities.


All existing and newly recommended missions seeking financial assistance, organizations or personal, are regularly requested to submit their own assessment of their "four foundational relationships" as well as their actual needs. 

Regional Missions

Every Wednesday we provide lunch to those in our community who are hungry. Each month we collect non-perishable food and monetary contributions for our local food banks. We build homes in our local community through Habitat for Humanity. We open our doors for social service organizations to meet. We provide shelter to our homeless neighbors during the winter. And we donate a portion of the church's annual operating budget to service organizations in our local area.

Global Missions

Palmetto International Missions is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of impoverished, rural communities in Honduras by providing safe, permanent housing. PIM serves some of the most vulnerable areas, working with local leaders to identify families living in substandard conditions. Through housing and community infrastructure projects, they offer resources, share knowledge, and teach construction trade skills to create lasting economic opportunities.


Our church partners with PIM through the Honduras Mission, where members join other volunteers to help build cinder block homes. The mission organizes three trips each year in February and July, with most volunteers participating for one week. No construction experience is required—only a willingness to serve.

Global Missions

Each year we do home repair in Appalachia. For 7 years, mission teams from our church have worked on-site in the Gulf Coast , helping those struck by Hurricane Katrina. We have built houses in Honduras, Mexico and Haiti and provided health care in Brazil. And we support groups outside our local community through donations.

Other Ministries Receiving Support

Blue Ridge Area Food Bank

Emergency food bank in Charlottesville.

Emergency Food Network 

Emergency food bank in Charlottesville.

FPC Preschool

Provides scholarship support for local students in need.

Montreat Conference Center

Financial support for camps and conferences. 

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

Emergency and Disaster Relief Aid - local and global assistance to Give, Act, Pray.

Presbytery of the James

A mission to fulfill its ongoing obligations and responsibilities under the Book of Order and the guidance of its Vision and Values with special emphasis on Camp Hanover,  Evangelism and Mission Outreach, Church Growth and Renewal, Youth Ministry Committee, and Education and Training.

Blue Ridge House

Tuesday before Thanksgiving, we host a full Thanksgiving meal for guests at the Blue Ridge House around mid-day. Need assistance with cooking, preparing, and serving. 

Request for Resources Form

Information Required for Organizations and Individuals


Please fill in all resources you or your organization is requesting. Financial records may be requested.

Proposed Date of Support (if applicable)
If Funding Is Approved, Will More Than 10% of it be Used for Overhead Costs?

To love God means to love our neighbors both near and far – within our church, in our local community, elsewhere in the US, and around the world. It means serving others with our time, talents, and treasures. First Presbyterian Church actively contributes to and participates in a variety of communities, as well as world-wide programs, and services.

Hot Meals

Serving an average of 80–90 hot meals weekly

Bagged Lunches

Distributing 35–40 to-go lunches each week

Annual Meals

In total, we serve over 6,760 meals annually

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Donations & Support

We collaborate with Loaves & Fishes, one of our Mission Partners, who generously share large amounts of chicken, pork, bread, and fruit to ensure their donations are fully utilized.

A Goodwill/Blessing Table in the serving area allows members and the community to drop off items and clothing for those in need. Weekly, 95% of the items are picked up.

Soup Kitchen

For over 40 years, First Presbyterian Church has been dedicated to serving our community through our Soup Kitchen ministry. Every Wednesday, regardless of weather or holidays, our committed team provides hot meals and bagged lunches to those in need.

Volunteer Involvement

Each week, one of our four Team Leaders, along with multiple volunteers, dedicates time to shopping, prepping, cooking, serving, and cleaning up after meals.


Students from local schools, such as Charlottesville Catholic Middle School and The Covenant School, contribute by baking desserts and assisting in meal preparation.

In total, our team contributes an average of 40 hours each week to this ministry.

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