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About Our Facility

Our church facility includes a 740-seat Sanctuary that is home to a Casavant organ, a 50-seat chapel, a spacious Fellowship Hall, large kitchen, numerous conference and classrooms, and ample parking. In addition to supporting our worship, education, and fellowship activities, the church is a magnet for community activities and groups, and we provide space for concerts, recitals, and meetings of various sizes.

All use of the church's buildings and grounds must be scheduled through the church office, and groups other than church groups should complete a Facilities Use Application to request use of the church's facilities.

Our Available Spaces


Available for worship, music , and community events. 740-person capacity.


Intimate meeting space equipped with a projector and audio system. 60-person capacity.


Coupled with in-house ministry and events only. Not available for commercial use.

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Fellowship Hall

Reception space for Sanctuary and Chapel events.

Agape Hall

Large reception and meeting room. 70-person capacity.

Agape Classroom

Equipped with projector and audio. 100 to 130-person capacity with or without tables.

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Conference Room

Education and meeting space not equipped with projector or audio. 25-person capacity.


Room 215 with A/V. 25-person capacity. Room 216 with A/V 30-person capacity.

Parking Lot

Available for after hours use only (weekends and evenings). 240 leased spaces Monday-Friday.

Carriage House

Small space ideal for support groups. 25-person capacity Room 1. 30-person capacity Room 2.

Facilities use shall be in accordance with established rules and regulations, which are summarized below:

  • All outside organizations shall be subject to use fees. 

  • Standard fees may be discounted for non-profit organizations whose purposes and activities contribute to the welfare of the community and for members requesting use of church space for personal activities.

  • There are no discounts on facilities use by for-profit businesses, including those owned by members or for which members are making the use request.

  • Typically no fees will be charged for meeting use by non-profit organization providing social services; however, these non-profit organizations will be charged a fee for their fundraising events held at FPC.

  • Any use of the Sanctuary and Chapel must be approved by the Pastor.

  • All groups using the church's facilities must review and adhere to the church's Policy on Protection of Children, Youth, Elderly, and Persons with Disabilities.

  • Smoking is not permitted inside any part of First Presbyterian Church.

  • Alcoholic beverages are not permitted anywhere on the property of First Presbyterian Church.

  • Guidelines for kitchen use must be followed.

  • Any fund-raising activities by outside groups must receive prior approval by Session, and fund-raising activities by church groups must adhere to the church's Policy on Fundraising.

  • If the request includes use of the organ (organ specs), the guest organist must be authorized by the church's organist to play, and adhere to the guidelines for use of the Casavant organ.

  • Inclement weather or other acts of God may force cancellation. First Presbyterian Church will, however, make every effort to accommodate rescheduling.

Facilities Use Application

Date and Time Requested
Start Time of Event
Is Parking Expected?
Room(s) Requested
Item(s) Requested

FEES & SECURITY/CLEANING DEPOSIT: To be determined upon submission of completed application.


LIABILITY INSURANCE: At least 7 days prior to the date of facility use, the requesting organization must provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance reflecting a minimum occurrence limit of $1,000,000 that names First Presbyterian Church as an “Additional Insured”.

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