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Presbyterian Women Spring Gathering

3/30/25, 4:15 PM

The Presbyterian Women’s Coordinating Team warmly invites all women of the church to join us for our annual Spring Gathering on Sunday, March 30, at 12:15pm in Agape Hall immediately following worship.

We'll enjoy a light lunch (provided), followed by a short program and an opportunity to serve together by assembling hygiene kits with supplies purchased from Church World Service (CWS). These kits support Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and CWS in providing essential items to individuals facing crises such as natural disasters, displacement, and homelessness. With recent disasters increasing the need for these supplies, our efforts will make a real difference.

The Spring Gathering is an opportunity to mingle, make new friends, and learn about women's groups, bible studies, circles, and gatherings at the church.

As part of our Spring Gathering tradition, we'll also collect the PW Birthday Offering. Envelopes will be available for those who wish to contribute. You can learn more about the Birthday Offering on the PW webpage.

Please let us know if you can join. Register using the link below—we’d love to see you there!

With gratitude,
Presbyterian Women's Coordinating Team
Diane Brownlee
Linda Blair
Sally Clarry
Lynn Ferguson
Elinor Kline
Nancy Markos
Bonita Metz
Norma Miller
Holly Phelps
April Spann
Katherine Warren
Brenda Welborn

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