All Women Are Welcome!
The Presbyterian Women’s Coordinating Team warmly invites all women of the church to join us for our annual Spring Gathering on Sunday, March 30, at 12:15pm in Agape Hall immediately following worship.
Please let us know if you can join by using the button below to register—we’d love to see you there!
Spring Gathering Details
We'll enjoy a light lunch (provided), followed by a short program and an opportunity to serve together by assembling hygiene kits with supplies purchased from Church World Service (CWS). These kits support Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and CWS in providing essential items to individuals facing crises such as natural disasters, displacement, and homelessness. With recent disasters increasing the need for these supplies, our efforts will make a real difference.
The Spring Gathering is an opportunity to mingle, make new friends, and learn about women's groups, bible studies, circles, and gatherings at the church.
As part of our Spring Gathering tradition, we'll also collect the PW Birthday Offering. Envelopes will be available for those who wish to contribute. You can learn more about the Birthday Offering by clicking here.

Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, We commit ourselves:To nurture our faith through prayers and Bible Study, to support the mission of the church worldwide, to work for justice and peace, and to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God's Kingdom.

Join Us for Fellowship
Presbyterian Women (PW) is a church-wide organization whose membership is open to all women of First Presbyterian Church who choose to participate in any way. The history of Presbyterian Women in this country dates back to 1789.
It is in Circle, Bible Study, and other small groups that church acquaintances become good friends and a support group. We currently have many such groups. Feel free and welcome to visit and/or join one that fits your time and interests.

Elizabeth Circle
First Tuesdays, 12:30pm, Room 216
We come together with group concerns, prayer, business and Bible study. This year our Bible study will be presented by PW/Horizons. Mission projects vary yearly according to our group interests and community needs. We have consistently supported the World Fellowship of the Least Coin. Together we are a fun, caring group who support one an-other and love to welcome new members.
Presbyterian Women Circle 6
Second Tuesdays, 1:00pm
Circle 6 is a group of women who are interested in fellowship, thought-provoking discussion, developing close friendships and sharing Christ’s love through serving others. Please feel free to bring your lunch and come early for fellowship. This year we will focus on the Horizon's Bible study. "What my Grandmother taught me." by Merryl Beain. Our mission projects include providing floral arrangements during Advent for the homebound of our church, recycling cards for St. Jude’s Ranch for Children, Least Coin, Georgia’s Friends food pantry, and Meals on Wheels pet food pantry.
Weekly Women's Bible Study
Wednesdays, 2:00-3:30pm, Room 215 and Zoom
We invite the ladies of First Presbyterian Church and our extended com-munity to join our Wednesday Women's Bible Study. Our meetings are hybrid — Zoom and in-person in Room 215. Using study guides, we enjoy weekly, scripture-based units of study on topics chosen by the group. We LOVE discussion — sharing our different perspectives and diving deeper into the associated Bible texts. In preparation for each meeting, we have short “homework assignments” that guide us in our discussions. PW graciously subsidizes a portion of the cost of our books; there is a small fee to cover the remaining cost.
Mission Sewing
Third Tuesdays, 9:30am, Room 216
The Mission Sewing Group is a group of women from FPC who join other PW women throughout our Presbytery of the James in providing baby layettes, receiving blankets and gowns, stuffed toys and knitted caps for newborns for Presbyterian hospitals in the Congo and Malawi. All contributions are processed and distributed through Church World Service. This group also makes simple dresses for Little Dresses for Africa, a non-profit begun by a woman in Michigan who visited a refugee camp and saw first-hand the deplorable condition of the children’s clothing. Stitchers, pressers, cutters, pinners and knitters or crocheters are welcome to join this group.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Dates and Times Vary
The Prayer Shawl ministry is an opportunity for individuals who enjoy knitting, crocheting or weaving to create lovely prayer shawls or lap robes for those facing health and life challenges. We pray to emulate and share God’s enveloping and comforting presence with these gifts. A special part of this ministry is also shared with our graduating high school seniors as a reminder of God’s and our love as they move forward in their lives. The ministerial staff generally gives these works of our hands and a list is kept of recipients.
We are also interested in providing “Prayer Squares” for anyone who feels the need for a pocket reminder of God’s enduring presence.
Instructions for prayer shawls are available in the Parish Nurse’s office as are completed shawls, squares and lapghans.
Quilt Sowers
Thursdays, 10:00am - 4:00pm, Room 216
Quilt Sowers of FPC enjoy the 3F’s—fellowship, friendship and field trips—while creating and sewing quilts of all sizes for an abused women’s shelter, children’s quilts for the baptized children in our own church family, and other quilted items. Members bring a bag lunch and stay as long as their schedule allows. We try to hold 2-3 Sew-a-thons each year, enjoy taking day-long field trips to quilt shows or “favorite” quilting shops, and sell our quilts twice a year during Fellowship Hour. The group likes to say “if you can sew a straight line, you can become a quilter”, and we love welcoming and mentoring “new-to-quilting” members!
PW Offerings

2024-2025 Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team
Brenda Welborn
Holly Phelps
Lynn Ferguson
Diane Brownlee
Linda Blair
Sally Clarry
Elinor Kline
Nancy Markos
Bonita Metz
Norma Miller
April Spann
Katherine Warren
Church Database
ShelbyNext is our church database and online directory program. Through ShelbyNext, you can see contact information and photographs of First Pres members, as well as our calendar and other ways to be involved in the life of the church. If you do not want to be included in the directory, you may opt out; however, please note though that if you opt out, you will no longer be able to access the directory.

Fall Gathering 2024
Relive the highlights of the PW Fall Gathering and sharpen your photography skills! First Pres Communications Director Adam Barber leads a fun session on taking stunning photos with your phone, covering everything from composition and lighting to capturing the perfect selfie.
Missed it or want a refresher? Watch the video of the presentation and download the slideshow using the button below.
Circles & Bible Studies
Birthday Offering
The Birthday Offering is received at our annual Spring Gathering and is for mission projects selected by the Creative Ministries Offering Committee. The Offering is in celebration of the birthday of Presbyterian Women. Since the inception of the offering in 1922, over 22 million dollars have been given by Presbyterian Women to meet the needs of hurting people.
2023 Birthday Offering total: $575.00
Fellowship of the Least Coin Offering
The least coin becomes the symbol of prayer for peace and reconciliation. Shanit Solomon began it in India in 1965. Women everywhere can have a sense of being a part of a worldwide family as they pray and set aside the least coin of their country. An international committee for special projects throughout the world makes grants. Our Least Coin Offering is collected at individual Circle meetings.
2023 Least coin Offering total: $325.00
Thank Offering
The Thank Offering began in the late 1800's as a "Thank Offering to the Lord." The Presbyterian Women at First Presbyterian Church collect this offering at our annual Fall~Winter Gathering. Forty percent of the offering is used to support medical missions worldwide and the remaining sixty percent is used for selected mission projects
2023 Thank Offering total: $199.91