Teller Stalfort
Teller grew up in Charlottesville attending First Pres and returned home in 2002 to finish her graduate degree in public health nutrition. She now has two teenagers who keep her busily wondering about the new gray hairs.
What God is doing in your life?
God has nudged me to return to First Pres after a COVID-induced hiatus. He continues to remind me that he has given us each other and the earth to care for and we need to be doing a better job on both fronts.
What excites you most about serving as an officer?
I am looking forward to reconnecting with the First press community and serving this congregation in whatever way I am called. I was last a deacon when my rising 9th grader was a newborn, and I look forward to seeing how the "inner workings" have changed. Hopefully the congregation needs what I have to offer!