Tom Phelps III
Tom is a multi-generation Presbyterian and Virginian. He and his wife Holly joined First Presbyterian in 1988. They have two children and six grandchildren living in the Charlotte NC area. He is retired from a 40-year
career in programming, developing, and managing software for healthcare data. He serves as a head usher and has served both as a deacon and an elder.
What is God doing in your life?
God is constantly reminding me to be patient, to never assume, to ask questions, to try to understand, to show caring, to be grateful for His gifts, to love the Lord with all my heart, and to be thankful and joyful in His
Grace and Salvation. “My Shepherd will supply my need.”
What excites you the most about serving as an officer?
I look forward to reacquainting and working with members whom I know and meeting members with whom I have not had the opportunity to connect. I embrace the chance to be used by the hand of God and
the church in growing our collective faith community in service to the community.