Jill Campbell
Jill (a.k.a. New Jill Campbell) is married to Jim Campbell. Jim and Jill served at South Jacksonville Pres in Florida for many years. They moved to Charlottesville in October of 2021 to be closer to their adult children. The cherry on top has been the birth of their grandson 15 months ago.
What is God doing in your life?
God has given me a most wonderful gift of being in close proximity to our children and a feeling I have never had before of being exactly where I am supposed to be. “I wonder at myself and the richness of life that has come to me by the grace of God” summarizes my life.
What excites you most about serving as an officer?
I am delighted to serve in recognition of all the blessings I have received. Being a Deacon will give me a concrete means to express my gratitude.